Gautam Buddha insisted on the `thisness' of things. You become old and you complain, and Buddha will say, "There is no need to complain. This is the way nature works."
Even if you are dying, he will not show any sympathy. On the contrary he will show his understanding. He will tell you, "Don't be worried. Die peacefully; everything that is born one day dies. Take death with graceful receptivity, no grudge, no complaint. Life should be without any grudge and without any complaint; so should death be. The word that he used was tathata. It can be translated in English as thisness or suchness. Such is the way of life, or this is the way of life; there is nothing to complain of; you cannot go against the current, just float with it. This is the right way: such is the way of those who know.
I have heard an anecdote: The baby baboon was five years old but had not spoken a word since birth. Its parents were convinced that their offspring was dumb until one night when the little baboon was eating a banana. It suddenly looked up at its mother and spoke clearly: "What is the idea of feeding me a rotten banana?" The mother baboon was overjoyed and asked her baby why he had never spoken before. "Well," said the little baboon, "the food has been okay up to now."
If you are in a harmony, you will not complain about the world. You will not complain about anything. The complaining mind is simply indicative that things are not in harmony inside. When everything is in harmony, then there is no complaint. Now, you go to your so-called saints: everybody is complaining -- complaining of the world, complaining of desires, complaining of the body, complaining of this and that. Everybody lives in complaints; something is jarring. A perfect man is one who has no complaints. That man is a God-man who has accepted everything, absorbed everything and become a cosmos, is no more a chaos.
Don't grumble, don't complain about anything. Stop complaining for three days. Don't grumble if the food is bad. Don't grouch if mosquitoes bite you at night. For three days let there be total acceptance of all that may happen. Mosquitoes will of course gain something, but you will gain more, much more. If the food is not right it will harm your body a little, but it will harm you a lot if you grumble about it. And there are reasons for it -- a complaining mind is never at peace. Our complaints are petty, but what we lose is too much. So don't grumble; for three days know it clearly that you will not grumble at all. What is, is. Howsoever it is, is. Accept it absolutely. Then these three days will be wonderful. If for these three days you stay above petty matters, if you accept everything as it is and delight in it, then you will cease to have any com plaints for the rest of your life. Because then you will know how peaceful and joyous it is to live without grudging.
For three days give up all petty matters.
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