Meditation has all the space, the whole of existence available. You are the watcher, you can watch the whole scene. There is no effort to concentrate on anything, there is no effort to contemplate about anything. You are not doing all these things, you are simply there watching, just aware. It is a knack. It is not a science, it is not an art, it is not a craft; it is a knack.
So you have to just go on playing with the idea. Sitting in your bathroom, just play with the idea that you are not doing anything. And one day you will be surprised: just playing with the idea, it has happened -- because it is your nature. Just the right moment.... You never know when the right moment is, when the right opportunity is, so you go on playing.
Somebody asked Henry Ford -- because he had given a statement that: "My success is through nothing but catching the right opportunity at the right moment. People either think of opportunities which are in the future -- you cannot catch hold of them -- or they think of opportunities which are past. When they are gone and only dust is left on the road, then they become aware that the opportunity is passed."
Somebody asked, "But if you don't think of an opportunity in the future and you don't think of an opportunity which has passed, how suddenly can you get hold of it when it comes? You have to be ready."
He said, "Not ready -- you have to be just jumping. One never knows when it comes. When it comes, just jump upon it!"
What Henry Ford said has tremendous meaning. He said, "You simply keep on jumping. You don't wait; don't bother whether an opportunity is there or not: just go on jumping. One never knows when it comes. When it comes jump upon it and be gone. If you go on looking into the future: 'When is the opportunity coming?..." The future is unpredictable. If you wait, thinking "When it comes I will catch hold of it," by the time you become aware that it is there, it is gone. Time is fleeting, so fast, only dust will be there.
"Rather, forget about opportunities, simply learn jumping, so whenever it comes...."
Anytime -- lying in your bed, if sleep is not coming, play with the idea. Why bother about sleep? -- it will come when it will come. You cannot do anything to bring it; it is not in your hands, so why bother about it? Something which is not in your hands, forget about it. This time is in your hands, why not use it? Lying in your bed, on a cold night under your blanket, cozy and enjoying -- just play with the idea. You need not sit in the lotus posture. In my meditation you need not torture yourself in any way.
If you love the lotus posture, good; you can sit in it. But Westerners go to India and it takes them six months to learn the lotus posture, and they are torturing themselves so much. And they think that when they have learned the lotus posture, they have gained something. The whole of India sits in the lotus posture -- nobody has gained anything. It is just their natural way of sitting. In a cold country you need a chair to sit on, you can't sit on the ground. In a hot country, who bothers about a chair? You sit anywhere.
No special posture is needed, no special time is needed. There are people who think there are special times. No, not for meditation; any time is the right time -- you just have to be relaxed and playful. And if it does not happen it does not matter; don't feel sad.... Because I am not telling you that it will happen today, or tomorrow, or within three months or six months. I am not giving you any expectation because that will become a tension in your mind. It can happen any day, it may not happen: it all depends on how playful you are.
If nothing happens -- I am not promising you anything -- if nothing happens that's perfectly good, you enjoyed yourself. You played with the idea, you gave it a chance.
Go on giving it a chance. Henry Ford said, "Go on jumping and when the chance, the opportunity comes, jump upon it." I say just the reverse. You just go on giving a chance to meditation, and when the right moment comes and you are really relaxed and open, it jumps upon you.
And once meditation jumps upon you it never leaves.
There is no way.
So think twice before you start playing!
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